SBCC Measured Term Contract and Guide - Now available in Digital Format
17 August 2023
The Scottish Building Contract Committee (SBCC) is pleased to announce that the following contracts are now available to purchase in digital format when you have a Full Subscription with SBCC Online:
Measured Term Contract for use in Scotland 2019
Measured Term Contract Guide for use in Scotland 2019
The SBCC 2019 edition of this contract and guide supersede the 2011 versions.
If you wish to purchase a copy of the contract or guide without an SBCC subscription, print copies of these contracts are available and continue to be sold through our selling agents.
The SBCC produces building contracts and guides designed to meet the needs of the construction industry in Scotland. They are based on JCT contracts but compliant with Scottish law and practice.
For more information on our contracts and their appropriate uses please see - Which contract is appropriate for my project 2022?
For more information about the digital contracts available through SBCC Online please see our FAQ's