
SBCC 2024 Breakfast Seminar Overview

10 September 2024

The SBCC 2024 Breakfast Seminar was held at the Edinburgh offices of Morton Fraser MacRoberts LLP on 5th September 2024.

SBCC Chair Ysella Jago welcomed guests, who were representing a broad range of areas within the construction sector, and introduced our speakers Pat Loftus and Neil Kelly. An overview of the JCT 2024 launch and SBCC 2024 progress update was provided by Pat Loftus, while Neil Kelly provided a Legal Case Update.

For anyone unable to attend the seminar the event slides have been made available to view here:

The SBCC is grateful to our speakers for providing attendees with these important updates, and valuable insights on recent legal developments impacting the construction sector.

The SBCC also wishes thank Morton Fraser MacRoberts LLP for hosting the event.

Thank you to all who joined us!

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